A new bloom – adding ‘collaborate’ to Bloom’s taxonomy





collaborate, Bloom's taxonomy, new Bloom, educational outcomes


There are a number of opportunities for collaboration, within and between universities, locally, internationally, with industry and with other education providers. University graduates are likely to be placed in a work environment where collaboration is required. Collaboration within higher education institutions has been shown to enhance student learning, and collaborative learning to improve student outcomes. A proposal has been made to add ‘collaborate’ to Bloom’s taxonomy of educational objectives, to emphasise the importance of collaboration and to encourage its inclusion in the educational process and assessment. Collaborate is sited between ‘apply’ and ‘analyse’ in the revised Bloom’s taxonomy hierarchy, and the new version named the New Bloom. This opinion piece expands on the concept and adds the specific objective of ‘work or share with others’ with keywords ‘share, cooperate, reciprocate, achieve consensus’. It also offers a non-hierarchical representation of the taxonomy, with collaborate as an important feature of each of the other components. Adding collaborate to Bloom’s taxonomy is recommended to emphasise the importance of collaboration and its contribution to each of the other components of the taxonomy.

Author Biography

Richard Heller, University of Newcastle

Richard Heller is Emeritus Professor at the University of Newcastle, Australia and the University of Manchester, UK. He has 50 years of higher education experience in medicine and public health. As Professor of Public Health in Manchester he established the University’s first online master’s degree. He founded and coordinated Peoples-uni to build public health capacity in developing countries at low cost, through online learning. His recent open access book is The Distributed University for Sustainable Higher Education.


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How to Cite

Heller, R. (2022) “A new bloom – adding ‘collaborate’ to Bloom’s taxonomy”, Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, (24). doi: 10.47408/jldhe.vi24.906.



Opinion Pieces