The Centre for Learning and Teaching Associates Scheme: building a learning community for collaboration and impact


  • Susan Virginia Smith Leeds Beckett University
  • Ruth Pickford Leeds Beckett University
  • Georgi Sinclair Leeds Beckett University
  • Laura Ettenfield Leeds Beckett University



staff learning community, collaboration, qualitative research, learning development, impact


This paper presents the outcomes of a small research project that sought to explore the value of a Staff Associate scheme linked to the Centre for Learning and Teaching (CLT) in a post-92 university. The Associates are a group of academic and professional service staff seconded from their Schools and services for one day a week, usually for a year, to work collaboratively with the core full time Centre for Learning and Teaching team on projects of interest which relate to learning development and align with the strategic aims of the university’s Education Plan. This paper reflects on the findings from narratives provided from autoethnographic Associate reflective diaries and survey responses that sought to explore the participants’ practice experiences, learning journeys, and perceptions of the value of their membership of the Associate scheme. The discussion is widened by the consideration of findings from the participants, which contributed to the iterative development and enhancement of the scheme. Findings showed a positive impact of the scheme on the Associate participants and their practice. They viewed the scheme as beneficial to their collaborative skills, the building of unusual synergies, and in the supporting of innovation and impact as cross-university learning developers. The paper concludes by drawing together themes from the research, lessons learnt, transferability of findings to other universities, and consideration of the requirements for a successful future scheme.

Author Biographies

Susan Virginia Smith, Leeds Beckett University

Professor Susan Smith is Deputy Director of the Centre for Learning & Teaching at Leeds Beckett University. She has responsibility for pedagogic research development and cross-university teaching and learning related academic practice projects. She has published many peer reviewed papers relating to relational approaches to student feedback, the student award gap and inclusive course design.

Ruth Pickford, Leeds Beckett University

Professor Ruth Pickford is Director of the Centre for Learning & Teaching at Leeds Beckett University and leads the University’s educational research, development, and enhancement. Her interests are the purposeful, coherent design of teaching, curricula and student support to maximise student success in higher education, and the implementation of integrated institutional strategies to develop the academic practices required to achieve this.

Georgi Sinclair, Leeds Beckett University

Georgi Sinclair is Head of Educational Development in the Centre for Learning and Teaching at Leeds Beckett University and is an HEA Principal Fellow. She has responsibility for the development of colleagues in all aspects of learning and teaching enhancement and is the Scheme Leader for the internal Advance HE accredited Fellowship Scheme. She has previously published on developing students' sense of belonging.

Laura Ettenfield, Leeds Beckett University

Dr Laura Ettenfield is the Academic Skills Development Manager at Leeds Beckett University. She manages the Skills for Learning team and oversees the service which offers an in-curriculum and open programme of academic skills workshops, online learning resources and International Student support. She also has an interest in pedagogic research and staff development and contributes to the cross-university Centre for Learning and Teaching team.


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How to Cite

Smith, S. V. (2023) “The Centre for Learning and Teaching Associates Scheme: building a learning community for collaboration and impact”, Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, (27). doi: 10.47408/jldhe.vi27.900.


