Improving student engagement using a video-enabled activity-based learning: an exploratory study to STEM preparatory education in UAE


  • Mohammad Zeidan
  • Xinhua Huang
  • Ling Xiao
  • Ruikun Zhao



activity-based learning, STEM preparatory education, student engagement, video-enabled


Student engagement is often labelled the “holy grail of learning” (Sinatra, Heddy and Lombardi, 2015: 1). Higher education educators have been implementing different pedagogical approaches to promote active learning with the aim of improving student engagement. This paper proposes an activity -based learning approach with the use of educational video to promote student engagement. We evaluate if such an approach could improve student learning and engagement with STEM subject from three perspectives: students’ motivation, engagement, and academic performance. The main findings are in supportive of the video-enabled activity-based learning approach to promote students’ engagement within class and for future study. ANOVA tests demonstrate the significant differences in the students’ performance with the use of scientific educational videos. In addition, this UAE based exploratory case study has been conducted in the context of middle eastern students’ learning behavior which adds an interesting cultural dimension. This study contributes to knowledge and STEM educator by providing them with insightful and practical guidance on how to effectively use scientific educational video to enhance STEM education in UAE. 

Author Biographies

Mohammad Zeidan

Mohammad Zeidan is a Senior Lecturer in Physics in the College of Arts and Sciences at Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

Xinhua Huang

Xinhua Huang is an Associate Professor in the School of Materials, Science and Engineering, Anhui University of Science and Technology, Huainan, Anhui Province, P. R. China.

Ling Xiao

Ling Xiao is a Senior Lecturer in Finance. She is a Senior Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy and is the Programme director for BSc Accounting and Finance at Royal Holloway, University of London.

Ruikun Zhao

Ruikun Zhao is a Senior Lecturer in Chemistry in the College of Arts and Sciences at Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. He is also a Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy.


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How to Cite

Zeidan, M. (2022) “Improving student engagement using a video-enabled activity-based learning: an exploratory study to STEM preparatory education in UAE”, Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, (24). doi: 10.47408/jldhe.vi24.888.


