Capturing the moment: facilitating learning from the margins. A photographic essay




third space, critical pedagogy, group work, equality, diversity and inclusion


The author provides a case study of third space innovation, a professional's reflection on practice, focusing on a learning developer's approach to facilitating group learning from the margins. The author defines this as facilitated learning that prioritises the experiences, voices and needs of individuals or groups who are typically underrepresented, underserved or marginalised. It is an approach that shifts focus away from mainstream or dominant perspectives to ensure that diverse viewpoints and experiences are acknowledged and included in the learning process. It signals a new direction for research into the 'facilitation process' in learning development. The author uses photographic essay methodology to explore this as part of a meta-reflective account (Rianne and Huib, 2019). The approach enables the author to punctuate critical moments of group facilitation with visual illustrations to aid analysis and reflection. The themes of interdisciplinary approaches to group work and collaborative experiences in learning development are explored. Collaboration can create opportunities for third space individuals to gain professional and personal empowerment and agency (Abegglen, Burns and Sinfield, 2023).

The author identifies vital character proponents for personal empowerment and agency by modelling compassion as a humanistic endeavour. This shows vulnerability and congruence in facilitating learning within higher education's neoliberal, neo-colonial context. It demonstrates an awareness of the oppressive forces of higher education by exercising understanding of the student experience. It encourages experiential learning as a method to develop innovation in learning development.

Author Biography

Kevin J. Brazant, University of the Arts London

Kevin J. Brazant is the Progression and Attainment Project Manager at the London College of Communication (LCC) at UAL. He is a Senior Fellow with Advance HE and CeLP Leading practitioner at ALDinHE. As a researcher in disruptive pedagogies his practice prioritises addressing the degree awarding gap at the college level. He coordinates the Changemakers initiative, working with students as partners in decolonising, anti-racism and social justice within teaching and learning development. His practice research, ‘Disrupting the Discourse’, advocates using disruptive pedagogies for social justice in education.


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How to Cite

Brazant, K. J. (2025) “Capturing the moment: facilitating learning from the margins. A photographic essay”, Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, (33). doi: 10.47408/jldhe.vi33.1248.



Collaboration and partnerships