Logs for acid-base chemistry: illustrating the potential of multidisciplinary learning support interventions from the third space


  • Joshua Wang Queensland University of Technology
  • Elise Kenny Queensland University of Technology




chemistry education, acid-base chemistry, third-space professional, contextualised learning, mathematical logarithms


The growing accessibility of higher education over the last century is a major accomplishment and should be continuously supported. A particular barrier to widening participation is that curricula across numerous disciplines rely on assumed knowledge for enrolling students.  The gaps between this assumed and actual pre-existing knowledge are dispersed throughout institutions, making them difficult to bridge. Our institution runs seven different first-year chemistry subjects, all of which require students to use mathematical logarithms to solve acid-base chemistry problems.  Our case study illustrates that third space practitioners with disciplinary expertise, such as those working in STEM support for learning, are uniquely positioned to address challenges like this.  As a chemistry educator and mathematics educator employed in the third space, we co-designed and co-delivered a one-hour online workshop titled “logs for acid-base chemistry”. The session explicitly taught logarithmic concepts in context to students from four different chemistry units. Observations made during the workshop suggest that the intervention was able to efficiently improve acid-base calculation confidence in students from all attending cohorts.  Finally, the broader benefits of subject specialist third space staff in higher education are discussed in light of the case study findings. Overall, the efficiency of this intervention highlights the under-researched potential of embedding disciplinary experts in third space learning support roles.

Author Biographies

Joshua Wang, Queensland University of Technology

Joshua Wang (FHEA) is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Department of Research at Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital, where he specialises in neuroscience, meta-research and research training.  Prior to this, he was the STEM Educator (Chemistry) in the Queensland University of Technology’s Learning and Teaching Unit (2020-2023).  His educational research predominately examines injustice in scholarly publishing and doctoral education.  He was recently appointed to the Editorial Board of JANZSSA – Journal of the Australian and New Zealand Student Services Association.  In 2022, he was a co-recipient of an Australian Awards for University Teaching (AAUT) Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning.

Elise Kenny, Queensland University of Technology

Elise Kenny is a STEM Educator at Queensland University of Technology. With a background in physics research and tertiary education research, she specializes in helping university students with mathematics. Elise is passionate about transforming students’ mindsets towards mathematics. She focuses particularly on those entering fields requiring applied maths who have limited prior exposure or who have experienced a lack of success in mathematics. She is dedicated to making mathematics accessible and engaging, fostering a supportive learning environment that encourages confidence and success.


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How to Cite

Wang, J. and Kenny, E. (2025) “Logs for acid-base chemistry: illustrating the potential of multidisciplinary learning support interventions from the third space”, Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, (33). doi: 10.47408/jldhe.vi33.1244.



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