Pernicious ignorance and the marginalisation of third space professionals: reflections on lived experience




epistemic violence, testimonial quieting, silencing, third space identity


This article is part reflection and part case study based upon my work as a third space worker (Whitchurch, 2023a) since at least 2010. I will surface a recurring challenge encompassing the recognition and visibility of third space professionals in higher education as educators who experience silencing stemming from pernicious ignorance. Accordingly, I use Dotson’s notion of pernicious ignorance (2011, p.238) to analyse a reflective vignette to illustrate a challenge that undermines third space practitioners. The aim is to equip readers with theory that they can use to counter negative workplace behaviours, whether observed, experienced, or both, while strengthening their positions as third space professionals.

Author Biography

Dustin Hosseini, University of Strathclyde

Dustin Hosseini is currently a doctoral student in Education at the University of Strathclyde where his research encompasses collaborating with decolonial scholars to understand how they enact decolonial praxis. He also works at the University of Glasgow in the School of Education as an Associate Tutor, and provides consultatory services on developing good practices for blended and online learning and learning design.


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How to Cite

Hosseini, D. (2025) “Pernicious ignorance and the marginalisation of third space professionals: reflections on lived experience”, Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, (33). doi: 10.47408/jldhe.vi33.1234.



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