Addressing the ethnicity degree awarding gap through writing retreats: a case study and reflection


  • Julia O'Connell University of Southampton
  • Alison Daniell University of Southampton



academic writing, writing retreat, awarding gap, widening participation, social mobility, dissertation


The awarding gap between UK-domiciled full-time Black and white students is a significant problem at HE institutions across the country. This paper examines a case study of a dissertation writing retreat programme which sought to address this awarding gap at a university in the south of England. The programme was based on an innovative ‘three Cs’ framework which focused on three core areas: Community, Culture, and Curriculum. Inspired by the community-building and curriculum elements of the framework, the programme built trust and collaboration between specialists and students, aiming to empower Black students to excel in one of the most important and impactful aspects of their degree, whilst also providing them with a space to engage positively with their peers and the wider university community. 

Author Biographies

Julia O'Connell, University of Southampton

Julia O’Connell obtained her PhD in English Literature from Trinity College, Dublin and is now the Enhancement Manager (Writing Skills and Mathematics and Statistics Skills) at the University of Southampton. She designs and delivers writing workshops, offers embedded writing support for academic programmes and manages a team of writing and maths and statistics officers within the Widening Participation and Social Mobility Directorate.

Alison Daniell, University of Southampton

Alison Daniell holds an interdisciplinary PhD in eighteenth-century English literature, History and Law. She is the Academic Skills Officer at the University of Southampton where she supports students to achieve their full academic potential in a wide range of key skills including critical thinking, academic writing, and presentation techniques.  


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How to Cite

O’Connell, J. and Daniell, A. (2024) “Addressing the ethnicity degree awarding gap through writing retreats: a case study and reflection ”, Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, (31). doi: 10.47408/jldhe.vi31.1226.



Case Studies