Working thematically: changing the path to leadership for the third space




leadership, career progression, thematic working, academic contracts


What does leadership mean in the third space, and how is it changing?  This opinion piece offers a perspective on third space leadership, through embracing thematic working and drawing together often disparate elements of the academy.  The paper argues that the future workforce of HE depends on third space leadership and that the skills, attributes and opportunities, such as managing “supercomplexity” (Barnett, 2000) and “complex collaboration” (Veles et al, 2019) must be leveraged in order to support and encourage those who already work in this space.  It offers two proposals that would effect the changes necessary to realise this, including looking at different HE contracts and criteria necessary for senior leadership.

Author Biographies

Fiona Denney, Brunel University London

Fiona Denney is Professor of Leadership and Business Education in the Brunel Business School, Brunel University London. She is a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and an Academic Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. In a higher education career of over 25 years, Fiona has worked in both academic and third space roles and has researched and written about leadership in universities. She is interested in how people in all areas of academia can be supported and developed in leadership roles and how the pipeline into leadership can better represent all those working in universities.

Emily McIntosh, University of the West of Scotland

Emily McIntosh has held a variety of leadership roles in learning, teaching, and the student experience in several UK universities. She joined the University of the West of Scotland (UWS) as Director of Student Success in January 2023. Emily is a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (PFHEA, 2017) and a National Teaching Fellow (NTF, 2021). She is an Executive Member & Trustee of the Heads of Educational Development (HEDG) group and an Independent Board Member of Trafford & Stockport College Group (TSCG). Emily has published widely on a variety of topics from academic advising, personal tutoring, and peer learning to integrated practice.


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How to Cite

Denney, F. and McIntosh, E. (2025) “Working thematically: changing the path to leadership for the third space”, Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, (33). doi: 10.47408/jldhe.vi33.1199.



Leadership, influence and credibility