The power of social capital: the significance of relationships in third space practice




third space professionals, social capital, relationships, networks, relational working, learning development


Relationships, and relational working, are key for third space professionals in higher education and their practice. This article considers the literature on third space working and social capital, explores findings from qualitative data collected during practice-based research, and examines in more detail the nature and significance of relationships in third space practice, and in particular the power of social capital (Bourdieu, e.g. 1990; Nahapiet and Ghosal, 1998; Lin 2001). It offers insights into the way that relationships are developed and harnessed and provides a steer on future scholarly investigation, which promotes the importance of high-quality relationships in realising the benefits that third space professionals bring to the academy. It also offers perspectives on how recognised affiliative networks of practitioners, such as academic developers (Staff Educational Development Association) and learning developers, via the Association for Learning Development in Higher Education Network (ALDinHE), are fundamental to supporting and nurturing this partnership working. 

Author Biographies

Diane Nutt, Independent HE Consultant

Diane Nutt is a semi-retired Independent HE Consultant based in York, UK. She was a lecturer in Sociology before moving into a central educational development role where she had a range of project-based responsibilities. Outside institution-based work, Diane established the European First Year Experience Network and Annual Conference Series in 2005. She was chair of the network and organising committee until 2020. She is also on the International Advisory Board for the USA National Resource Center for First Year Experience and Students in Transition. Diane is Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (PFHEA) and an Advance HE accreditor. She has a particular interest in the importance of the third space in HE and in the career journeys of those who work between academic and professional settings. She is co-editor with Emily McIntosh of The impact of the integrated practitioner in higher education: studies in third space professionalism (Routledge, 2022).

Emily McIntosh, University of the West of Scotland

Emily Mcintosh has held a variety of leadership roles in learning, teaching, and student experience in several UK universities. She joined the University of the West of Scotland (UWS) as Director of Student Success in January 2023. Emily is Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (PFHEA, 2017) and a National Teaching Fellow (NTF, 2021). She is Executive Member and Trustee of the Heads of Educational Development Group (HEDG) and Independent Board Member of Trafford & Stockport College Group (TSCG). Emily has published widely on a variety of topics from academic advising, personal tutoring, and peer learning to integrated practice.


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How to Cite

Nutt, D. and McIntosh, E. (2025) “The power of social capital: the significance of relationships in third space practice”, Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, (33). doi: 10.47408/jldhe.vi33.1197.



Leadership, influence and credibility