Sometimes a science, sometimes an art: Cross-institutional collaboration to create an institutional language of transferable skills


  • Kate Daubney freelance



transferable skills, curriculum, employability, collaboration


This article proposes two models and four principles for creating taxonomies of transferable skills that reflect and enable cross-institutional partnership between academic and professional services colleagues. Such language or taxonomies provide a shared focus for all institutional stakeholders in support of students’ development and future employment outcomes. An anonymised UK university case study demonstrates the models and principles in practice through a cross-institutional collaboration between the Careers Service, other student services teams, and academic departments. Universities, subject/programme teams, academics, careers services, extra-curricular programme teams, and teaching and learning professionals can use the principles and models in this article to create transferable skills taxonomies for their students that can be owned by all university stakeholders, and are relevant to the graduate workplace.

Author Biography

Kate Daubney, freelance

Kate Daubney is a former academic with a PhD in film musicology, who has worked in higher education for over 30 years. Since 2002, she has worked in careers and employability education, as a practitioner and later as a senior leader of university careers services. As a freelance consultant, she now advises UK and international universities and other student-to-graduate organisations on education and careers and employability strategies, and the creation of transferable skills taxonomies. She is a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Her research includes experiential learning in the Humanities and learning styles in graduate development.


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How to Cite

Daubney, K. (2024) “Sometimes a science, sometimes an art: Cross-institutional collaboration to create an institutional language of transferable skills”, Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, (31). doi: 10.47408/jldhe.vi31.1180.


