Exploring the engagement of students who identify as Black, Indigenous (and/or) People of Colour (BIPoC) with Learning Development practitioners: reviewing the value, impact, and recommendations for future practice





awarding gap, ethnicity, student support, Learning development


The need for universities to effectively support students identifying as Black, Indigenous, and/or People of Colour (BIPoC) remains a pressing element of strategies to close awarding gaps. Within overall support packages, the contribution of Learning Developers merits investigation, since these staff are often responsible for nurturing growth in students’ academic abilities. Through this small-scale, exploratory, qualitative study, we sought to better understand how Learning Developers can contribute to narrowing awarding gaps by exploring the benefits of and barriers to students engaging with Learning Development (LD). These benefits and barriers were elicited in interviews with twelve BIPoC students within one school in the Humanities and Social Sciences faculty in a UK university. The study explored their experiences of the value of LD interactions and how it might be enhanced. Aspects deemed valuable emerged broadly as anticipated, centring around how Learning Developers assisted students to learn academic practices such as: decoding assessment instructions and marking rubrics, referencing, breaking down tasks, and feedback uptake. More specifically relevant to BIPoC students, however, was the desirability of a flexible approach to the number and length of LD tutorials, enabling them to build relationships, understand guidance, and ask questions. Secondly, they mentioned the need to see ethnic diversity represented in the LD staff base and amongst student champions for LD. These factors were noted as good practice when evident, but open to further improvement. We conclude that whilst effective foundations were in place, the task of supporting BIPoC students remains one for ongoing reflection and action.

Author Biographies

Gina Sherwood, University of Portsmouth

Gina Sherwood retired as Faculty of Humanities Lead for Student Support and Development in June 2024 and is a visiting researcher based in the School of Education, Languages and Linguistics at the University of Portsmouth. Gina is currently particularly interested in exploring student experience in Higher Education.

Ian Johnson, University of Portsmouth

Ian Johnson has been a Learning Developer at the University of Portsmouth since 2015 and is now a Teaching Fellow in LD. Ian recently completed his Professional Doctorate on the framing and value of LD in British Higher Education and has research interests in how embedded and individualised LD practices contribute to students’ learning. He has led ALDinHE’s Research and Scholarship Development Working Group and been a member of their Steering Group since August 2023, having previously established and led the Research Community of Practice from 2020−2023.


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How to Cite

Sherwood, G. and Johnson, I. (2024) “Exploring the engagement of students who identify as Black, Indigenous (and/or) People of Colour (BIPoC) with Learning Development practitioners: reviewing the value, impact, and recommendations for future practice”, Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, (31). doi: 10.47408/jldhe.vi31.1169.


