Learning Development as a collaborative discipline. Book review: Syska, A. and Buckley, C. (eds.) (2023) How to be a Learning Developer in higher education: critical perspectives, community and practice. Abingdon: Routledge





learning development, community, practice, identity, third space

Author Biography

Kiu Sum, Solent University, UK

Kiu Sum is a Lecturer in Nutrition at Solent University, Southampton, UK. As a Registered Nutritionist with the Association for Nutrition, her PhD research focused on healthcare professionals’ diets and nutritional behaviour in shift work. Alongside her subject-specific research, Kiu is also interested in pedagogy research in higher education, especially focusing on student engagement and partnerships. Kiu co-convenes RAISE Network’s Engaging Assessment and the Early Career Researchers Special Interest Groups, and sits on the Editorial Board for the Student Engagement in Higher Education Journal. She co-chairs ALDinHE’s EDI Working Group. Kiu hosts The Education Burrito Podcast in her spare time.


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How to Cite

Sum, K. (2024) “Learning Development as a collaborative discipline. Book review: Syska, A. and Buckley, C. (eds.) (2023) How to be a Learning Developer in higher education: critical perspectives, community and practice. Abingdon: Routledge”, Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, (30). doi: 10.47408/jldhe.vi30.1162.


