Critical by design: how learner modes impact the propensity to think critically




critical thinking, learner modes, higher education, curriculum design, assessments, MBA


Demonstrating the ability to think critically is a common requirement of Higher Education (HE) assessments, bridging disciplines and forming a significant part of the feedback given to students. Despite its prominence, more can be learned about how different learner modes influence the propensity to use critical thinking. This article reports on the results from a study of critical thinking in a global MBA programme that compared how online, and on-campus environments influenced a learner’s approach to problem-solving and decision-making. A survey instrument was administered to two cohorts, studying online and on-campus, who were taking an identical module in strategy. Whilst differences in learning experience were to be expected, the degree to which learner modes affected the propensity to think critically was surprising. On most measurements, on-campus learners outperformed their online counterparts. The results, interpreted through the lens of Administrative Behaviour Theory, demonstrate that learner modes should be treated as separate entities, and that a homogenous approach to digital and physical learning strategies may prove ineffective. The implications of the results are discussed, including recommendations for learning designers.

Author Biography

James Blackmore-Wright, University of Birmingham

James Blackmore-Wright is an expert in leading high-performance teams and international businesses. With a robust background in learning and teaching design, he researches the intersection of critical thinking and the effectiveness of management education. His work focuses on enhancing educational practices to foster critical thinking skills, preparing leaders for the complexities of modern business environments.


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How to Cite

Blackmore-Wright, J. (2024) “Critical by design: how learner modes impact the propensity to think critically”, Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, (31). doi: 10.47408/jldhe.vi31.1133.


