A reflective account of undertaking the United Kingdom Advising and Tutoring (UKAT) association application for 'Recognised Practitioner Advisor'


  • Pete King Swansea University




UKAT, RPA, academic mentoring, reflection, postgraduate students


The decision I took to undertake the United Kingdom Advising and Tutoring (UKAT) Recognised Practitioner Advisor (RPA) provided the opportunity for reflection on how I approach academic mentoring. The process had three outcomes: it showed the variation in academic mentoring between policy, procedure, and both mentors’ and mentees’ understanding of mentoring, and it enabled me to both develop my own continuing professional development, and more importantly, to support taught Master’s students in their academic learning and development. I would encourage anybody in higher education to also consider undertaking the UKAT RPA.

Author Biography

Pete King, Swansea University

Pete King is a senior lecturer and the programme director for the MA Developmental and Therapeutic Play course at Swansea University. Pete has been published in both home and international journals in the areas of play, playwork, playwork and Covid-19 and teaching research using playfulness. Pete has co-edited three books with Shelly Newstead and co-authored one book with the late Gordon Sturrock. Pete is a Senior Fellow with the HEA and now a Recognised Practitioner Advisor with UKAT.


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How to Cite

King, P. (2024) “A reflective account of undertaking the United Kingdom Advising and Tutoring (UKAT) association application for ’Recognised Practitioner Advisor’”, Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, (30). doi: 10.47408/jldhe.vi30.1053.



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