Reimagining boundaries: transdisciplinary insights from Education, Counselling, and Fine Art


  • Peter Shukie
  • Stjohn Small University Centre Blackburn College
  • Jamie Holman Manchester College



transdisciplinary, higher education, creative arts, pedagogy, collaboration


This paper presents three case studies of educators pioneering transdisciplinary project work within a UK College-Based Higher Education Institution, focusing on Education Studies, Counselling, and Fine Art. Through the CollaborArt Blackburn initiative, educators facilitated gallery visits, encounter spaces, and collaborative creation opportunities for students across these disciplines. These case studies highlight the educators' roles in fostering a transdisciplinary approach that transcends traditional disciplinary boundaries, emphasising experiential learning and collaborative engagement. The narratives illustrate the transformative impact of integrating diverse perspectives and methodologies, enriching both educators' and students' understanding and practice. The paper argues for the intrinsic value of educators' insights and expertise in initiating and sustaining transdisciplinary projects, encouraging peers to embrace innovative approaches in their pedagogical practices. This work contributes to the discourse on transdisciplinary education, advocating for its potential to create dynamic, inclusive, and holistic learning environments.

Author Biographies

Peter Shukie

Peter Shukie was, at the time of the project, Programme Lead for Education Studies BA (hons) and a lecturer in Teacher Training at Lancaster University. He has since taken redundancy and is a freelance educational consultant, writer and film maker.

Stjohn Small, University Centre Blackburn College

StJohn Small is Programme Lead for Counselling BA (hons) and runs Art Therapy programmes and training for students, staff and therapists.


Jamie Holman, Manchester College

Jamie Holman was, at the time of the project, Programme Leader for Fine Art, BA (hons). Jamie is a practicing artist, chair of the National Festival of Making and partner in Uncultured Creatives. Jamie is now Programme Lead for Fine Art at Manchester College of Art.


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How to Cite

Shukie, P., Small, S. and Holman, J. (2024) “Reimagining boundaries: transdisciplinary insights from Education, Counselling, and Fine Art”, Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, (31). doi: 10.47408/jldhe.vi31.1052.


