Experiential and authentic learning in a Living Lab: the role of a campus-based Living Lab as a teaching and learning environment





living lab, authentic assessment, experiential learning, active learning


Living Labs provide stakeholders with authentic and spontaneous environments in which innovations and technologies can be developed. This paper highlights the use of Living Labs as an educational teaching and learning environment. We give four current examples of practice and present a conceptual framework for pedagogic design and development of experiential learning activities and assessment in a Living Lab environment. Examples are based around current higher education undergraduate and postgraduate taught assessments and activities. We highlight how Living Labs, particularly campus-based examples, are an excellent opportunity for education providers to provide realistic experiences for students that promote empowerment, inclusivity and sustainability where activities and results can be spontaneous. Learning in a Living Lab environment provides the opportunities for students to develop applied skills, work in a transdisciplinary manner and co-create and collaborate on data sets. These activities are associated with potential increases in student attainment and receive positive student feedback. Living Labs introduce opportunities for interdisciplinarity, transdisciplinarity and cross-cultural working and provide an excellent base for education for sustainability.

Author Biographies

Steven Rogers, Keele University

Steven Rogers is a Senior Lecturer in Geology at Keele University, UK. Steve has held the position of Director of Education within the School of Geography, Geology and Geology for the past 6 years and during this time he has been involved with driving forward curriculum design and development in the school.

Adam Jeffery, Keele University

Adam Jeffery is a Curriculum Developer and Visiting Lecturer at Keele University, UK. Adam works with colleagues across Keele to share good practice around inclusive, active and social learning. Adam also teaches on the geology courses and so authentically deploys these pedagogies in the field.

Jamie Pringle, Keele University

Jamie Pringle is a Reader in Forensic Geoscience at Keele University, UK. Jamie specialises in Near Surface Geophysics and has been leading the development of on-campus infrastructure and educational development associated with authentic student engagement in this area at Keele.

Antonia Law, Keele University

Antonia Law is a Senior Lecturer in Geography at Keele University, UK. Toni has designed and developed Physical Geography curriculum for the past few years to include skills and data analysis. The delivery of this material has been designed to be hybrid. Toni is currently developing sustainability focussed links across all areas of Keele University through her role as Deputy Director of the Institute for Sustainable Futures.

Alexandre Nobajas, Keele University

Alexandre Nobajas is a Lecturer in Human Geography and GIS at Keele University, UK. Alex specialised in remote sensing and GIS and has been responsible for the acquisition and embedding of a drone fleet into geography, geology and environmental courses at Keele.

Katie Szkornik, Keele University

Katie Szkornik is a Reader in Physical Geography at Keele University, UK. Katie has led institutional wide educational reform in her role as a Dean of Education over the last several years. This has included a focus on authentic assessment, active and social learning, and inclusive assessment practices.

Angela Turner, Keele University

Angele Turner is a Lecturer in Environmental Sustainability and Green Technology at Keele University, UK. Angie is developing a geography curriculum with a strong emphasis on practical skills and data analysis and is currently focussing on the use of Keele’s Renewable Energy Park and its environs.

Adam Moolna, Keele University

Adam Moolna is a Lecturer in Environment and Sustainability at Keele University, UK. Adam is an enthusiastic educator who uses authentic engagement opportunities to get students passionate about the environmental topics they are undertaking.

Ben Davenward, Keele University

Ben Davenward is a PhD student and sessional Lecturer at Keele University, UK. Ben has industry experience as a survey geophysicist with a wide range of technical skills that he embeds within his teaching.

Luke Hobson, Keele University

Luke Hobson is a Technical Co-ordinator at Keele University, UK. Luke co-ordinates much of the tech deployed on campus in practical sessions. Much of the training in equipment use, maintenance and repairs are undertaken by Luke and the tech team.


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How to Cite

Rogers, S. (2023) “Experiential and authentic learning in a Living Lab: the role of a campus-based Living Lab as a teaching and learning environment”, Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, (28). doi: 10.47408/jldhe.vi28.1020.


