Do institutional or subject referencing style choices create barriers for students with specific learning disability?


  • Fiona Watkins University of Northampton



specific learning difficulty (SpLD), dyslexia, referencing


Models of information literacy (Coonan et al., 2018; SCONUL, 2011) are explicit: critical thinking and ethical information use are essential skills within higher education (HE). Referencing is key to this, demonstrating how students select and apply information to create knowledge (Buckley, 2015; Angelil-Carter, 1995). 

Within HE there has been an increased focus on inclusivity and accessibility (Equality Act, 2010; United Nations, 2015; Department for Education and Department for Health, 2015). Growing numbers of students are declaring a disability (Advance HE, 2019) and reports suggest they are increasingly dissatisfied with their courses (Office for Students, 2020). Proportionally, students with disabilities achieve lower grades than students without (Advance HE, 2019), suggesting needs and expectations of students with a disability are not being met within HE provisions.

The presentation discussed an ethically approved small-scale mixed-methods study carried out as part of a MA in Special Educational Needs and Inclusion. The research investigated student perceptions of referencing, whether adherence to specific referencing styles is a barrier for students with dyslexia and began investigating the impact of referencing styles on reading comprehension.  

The largest disability declared within HE is Specific Learning Disability (SpLD) (Advance HE, 2019), which includes dyslexia (American Psychological Association, 2013). Students with SpLD report lower confidence with academic writing than non-SpLD students (Kinder and Elander, 2012). Academic literacy skills are arguably intertwined with a sense of legitimacy and belonging (Gourlay, 2009): it is therefore vital to consider ways of improving inclusion for all students (Office for Students, 2020). 

The presenter observed that students with SpLD spent more time and energy on referencing than their non-disabled peers. This perception is corroborated by others (Sanders, 2010) and when combined with slower reading speeds (Hendricks and Quinn, 2000; Sanders, 2010; Serry et al., 2018) reduces time students have for critical subject engagement (Wengelin, 2007). 

Attendees gained an understanding of how students view referencing and whether the choice of referencing system disadvantages students with dyslexia. Attendees also took part in a reading comprehension test giving a taster of the next steps for research which requires collaborative partners.

Author Biography

Fiona Watkins, University of Northampton

Fiona Watkins is the Digital Resource and Collections Manager at the University of Northampton. Prior to this Fiona was the Academic Librarian for the Schools of Art and Science and Technology. Having worked in HE libraries for nearly twenty years, Fiona has interest in referencing and inclusive practices. Fiona completed a master’s in special educational Needs and Inclusion, graduating in 2022. As partial fulfilment of this degree Fiona undertook research into student perceptions of referencing alongside referencing styles and dyslexia. 


Advance HE (2019) Equality in higher education: students statistical report 2019. Available at: (Accessed: 8 November 2020).

American Psychological Association (2013) Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-5. 5th edn. Arlington: American Psychiatric Association.

Angelil-Carter, S. A. (1995) Uncovering plagiarism in academic writing: developing authorial voice within multivoiced text. Unpublished Masters thesis. Rhodes University.

Buckley, C. (2015) ‘Conceptualising plagiarism: using Lego to construct students’ understanding of authorship and citation’, Teaching in Higher Education, 20(3), pp. 352-358.

Coonan, E., Geekie, J., Goldstein, S., Jeskins, L., Jones, R., Macrae-Gibson, R., Secker, J. and Walton, G. (2018) CILIP Definition of Information Literacy 2018. CILIP Information Literacy Group. Available at: (Accessed: 11 November 2022).

Department for Education and Department of Health (2015) Special educational needs and disability code of practice: 0 – 25 years. Statutory guidance for organisations which work with and support children and young people who have special educational needs or disabilities. London: Department for Education.

Equality Act (2010) London: HMSO.

Gourlay, L. (2009) ‘Threshold practices: becoming a student through academic literacies’, London Review of Education, 7(2), pp.181-192.

Hendricks, M. and Quinn, L. (2000) ‘Teaching referencing as an introduction to epistemological empowerment’, Teaching in Higher Education, 5(4), pp.447-457.

Hutchings, C. (2014) ‘Referencing and identity, voice and agency: adult learners’ transformations within literacy practice’, Higher Education Research and Development, 33(2) pp.312-324.

Kinder, J. and Elander, J. (2012) ‘Dyslexia, authorial identity, and approaches to learning and writing: a mixed methods study’, British Journal of Education Psychology, 82(2), pp.289-307.

Office for Students (2020) NSS Characteristic analysis data. NSS 2020 Sector Analysis. Student Information and data. Available at: (Accessed: 28 November 2020).

Sanders, J. (2010) ‘Horray for Harvard? The fetish of footnotes revisited’, Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, 12, pp.48-59.

SCONUL (2011) The SCONUL seven pillars of information literacy: core model for higher education. SCONUL. Available at: (Accessed: 11 November 2022).

Serry, T., Oates, J., Ennals, P., Venville, A., Williams, A., Fossey, E. and Steel, G. (2018) ‘Managing reading and related literacy difficulties: university students’ perspectives’, Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties, 23(1), pp.5-30.

Thesen, L. K. (1994) Voices in discourse: re-thinking shared meaning in academic writing. Unpublished MPhil thesis. University of Cape Town.

United Nations (2015) The 17 Goals. Sustainable Development Goals [online]. Available at: (Accessed: 2 January 2022)

Wengelin, A. (2007) ‘The word-level focus in text production by adults with reading and writing difficulties’, in Rijlaarsdam, G., Torrance, M., van Waes, L. and Galbraith, D. (eds.) Writing and cognition: Research and applications. Oxford: Elsevier, pp.67-82.




How to Cite

Watkins, F. (2023) “Do institutional or subject referencing style choices create barriers for students with specific learning disability?”, Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, (29). doi: 10.47408/jldhe.vi29.1094.